Thursday, July 19, 2012

From sea to shining lady liberty......

OK SO!  let me explain...NO NO that take to long...lemme sum up.....SO heres the is round you say? ok just kidding enough quotes.  Sorry it has been so long since i updated this got kinda hard the last 6 weeks or so or longer...i honestly don't know.  so i will back up.  Josh graduated at the end of may/beginning of june from basic training...he looked CRAZY good i hardly recognized him....loosing 100+ pounds will do that to you, then come to find out he doens't get to come home at all, just flys straight to california the next day. it was rough.  It almost wasnt fair to see him but not.  i didn't even get to keep him for those two days, he was on loan for the afternoon.  better than nothing but still hard.  then to say goodbye ONE more time at the airport was just NOT FAIR but we survived.  he flew straight here and started his life in california june 1.  thankfully we had a friend here from college that picked him up and helped him when she could by driving him around.  i then had to make arrangements for our belongings to get picked up which took a month and then arrang driving out here with my feline beauties and oldest son.  Mimi got the priveledge or so she says of keeping christian for a few extra days, i say brave woman, she says it was fun haha.  My dad and i set out on an EPIC adventure with Noah and three cats the day after they picked up my stuff at 4am....yeah...i said it...4am....three days driving straight...16 hours, 12 hours, then 16 again and we made it here.  we thought about stopping the last day and only having 4 to do saturday morning but that seemed like a cruel joke and not as much fun as surprising josh and pulling in a day early....(He had no idea we were doing it....until i ran up and BEAT ON THE FRONT DOOR!) that was a fun night and totally worth the 3 day drive to get here.  he cats did great....only took drugging poor baghera or Bugsy as noah calls her because she could NOT calm down and totally stressed out the other poor babies.   but we made it here and all are well.  they were VERY grateful to be out of the kennels!   too bad when they got here tey had no funriture to hide under except the couch..which i have NO IDEA HOW but they DID find a way underneath. then the camping in our own house commenced for two more weeks on air mattresses and a couch....we did purchase and entertainment center and a few small things but not much.   our stuff finally came last week (and boy was my back happy to have my bed back!) and that when we realized we had TOO MUCH STUFF.  so honestly we threw out about 25% of it.  sold some more of it and have donated about 10/12 HUGE hanging boxes full of stuff to the CP foundation who came to the door and picked it up.  old clothes, extra toys, house hold goods that we didn't need.  and let me tell you we have more we will probably get rid of but after another 3 LONG days of unpacking 10209482094587509w474098750987ert90875 boxes of things you just get TIRED of it.  i realized if I didn't even want to unpack it I DIDN"T NEED IT!  so there.    i really do believe the guys in the bible that sold off all their worldy possessions except the clothes they had, had a good thing in much simpler!  now i will say there are things i appreciate like my washing machine and a dishwasher and stuff but you get what ims saying.  s
while we were camping my parents stayed with us for a week which was helpful to me and a much needed transitional help.  it was hard to say goodbye at the airport but i think we are all doing well and VERY Excited for their next visit in a few weeks for the boys birthdays! i can't believe soon i will have a 1 year old and a 3 year old...where ahs time gone!  I have already made a few new friends here which is nice and fun, noah has a friend named nash and i am having fun playing while josh is studying hard.  he is doing well and got good marks on his first test so he is pleased with himself.  i knew he would do well because he just loves this stuff.  we are having fun exploring the world around us and enjoying BEAUTIFUL weather because its an average temp of 65 around here...ALL YEAR LONG! its so nice!  i love it! and guess what charleston, NO HUMIDITY!  HA! makes running almost enjoyable! lol. 

next on the agenda YES for all those who know me is our first trip to disney Land which is at the end of august, i will be running in my second half marathon so i can get my coast to coast medal so i am in full swing training....i love having a gym at my disposal.  i go almost every night after the boys go to bed so josh has time to study without me bugging him and i get to work out.  hopefully it helps. i rotate between running, biking, and swimming laps in the pool. (sometimes you need some water therapy) can't wait to go experience the disney magic that will unfold!  we love being here adn can't wait to see what all we can get into in the next 18 months.  then the adventure continues ELSEWHERE!  so i told you this would be long...and yes it IS a summary!  i will uplaod pictures in the next blog so you all can see my adventures and some of our house and this gorgeous place!  

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